I felt like showing this off. This a customized Game Boy Advance based on the Battle Network Rockman EXE2 bundle that came with a special variant GBA. I customized it through Boxy Pixel along with the Game Boy Color. The aluminum housing shell housings are machined designed to utilize putting in the brighter backlit AGS-101 screen, which is nice and very easy because there's no modifications that have to be made to the shell. The shells are also designed strictly for their rechargable batteries, which hold more time than a GBA SP and are charged using a micro USB cable. The build quality is top notch, and the brass buttons feel very good compared to the original plastic buttons. I figured it was time to do this now that the glass screen lens modeled after that GBA have been in production.

There are some imperfections as nice as the aluminum shells are. The housing for the screen is slightly not shifted enough to the left for the GBA housings. I was told by the store owner that this correction would be implemented later on. Also, the clip slots on the sides for Wireless Adapters, Gamecube Link Cable, and Chip Gates are non-existent if you're wanting to use such things, which I'm hoping gets corrected. Lastly. It feels as if the front shell is a little more green than blue for the anodized process. Colors may not be perfect exactly to what you're looking for as the andoizing process can be tricky. I'm also hoping I can have more of a bluer color for a future revision of the shell if I can. I like to think of it as a Saito Style type of GBA with the brass buttons with the outer part of the EXE mark. I think it was definitely worth the price though. If you want to DIY, you'll have to know how to solder the battery and ribbon cable placement for the AGS-101 screen. It's an awesome and modern way to play GBA today besides having GBA Consolizer. The store owner is a very nice guy as well, and the wait time was not too long. I would definitely recommend going through this method to have the best experience for any of the GBA Rockman games.