Here is the Complete and Revised W Slot features and Power-Ups you get.
Battle Network Rockman EXE (Megaman Battle Network) Ura Internet Area 4 Black Navi appears and asks to give an extra folder (Non-Customizable) "War Folder"
Liberate Mission Blues / Colonel Dominant Chip Power Up
Normal Battle BGM Changes to EXE 1
Battle Network Rockman EXE 2 (Megaman Battle Network 2) Dad's Office. Scientist appears and is a Sub Chip Merchant that gives Full Energy, Open Lock, & Lock Enemy for 1/2 Price
Liberate Mission Magnetman / Knightman Dominant Chip Power Up
Normal Battle BGM Changes to EXE 2
Battle Network Rockman EXE 3 / BLACK (Megaman Battle Network 3 White/Blue) End Area 1 NC Program Merchant that gives Rapid+1 (Yellow) [1500z], Charge+1 (Pink) [1500z], & HP+500 (Yellow) [12000z]
Liberate Mission Gyroman / Shadowman Dominant Chip Power Up
Normal Battle BGM Changes to EXE 3
Rockman EXE 4 Tournament Red Sun / Blue Moon (Megaman Battle Network 4) Program Advance combinations and what chips to use are discussed in Random Bulletin Boards
Liberate Mission Napalmman / Tomahawkman Dominant Chip Power Up
Normal Battle BGM Changes to EXE 4
Rockman EXE 4.5 Real Operation (Japan Only W-Slot) Golden Program appears at Netto's HP at the end in front of the portal and gives a Mysterious Mail to Rockman, Accomplishing this mission gives 50000z
Liberate Mission Searchman / Numberman Dominant Chip Power Up
Normal Battle BGM Changes to EXE 4.5
Rockman EXE 5 Team of Blues / Colonel (Megaman Battle Network 5) Forte Mark Icon for any EXE5 GBA Save Prompts you before you start your New or Saved Game on EXE 5 DS if you want to use Forte Cross Rockman
Folder Import option appears for Saved Game on a EXE5 DS Save to whichever folder is equipped in the GBA Save (Third Non-Customizable Locked Folder)
Higure Chip Shop, "Free Space" gains Other Version Navi Chips in a New Shop
TP Chip is attached to a New Mail sent upon insertion
Liberate Mission Medi / Toadman Dominant Chip Power Up
(JPN Both Ver / ENG Colonel only)
Liberate Mission Searchman / Numberman Dominant Chip Power Up
(ENG Proto Ver. only)
Bokura no Taiyou (Boktai: The Sun Is in Your Hand) Samurai Statue in the Castle changes to Otenko and asking to do the 100 Dummy Hitting game becomes a 1000 Bat Hitting game for Crossover Points divided by 30
Otenko Crossover Battle Point Trader appears in Oran Area 2
Zoku Bokura no Taiyou: Taiyou Shounen Django (Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django) Inserting prompts use of Sol Cross Rockman before starting any game in EXE5 DS. (English EXE5DS Only)
Samurai Statue in the Castle changes to Otenko and asking to do the 100 Dummy Hitting game becomes a 1000 Bat Hitting game for Crossover Points divided by 20
Otenko Crossover Battle Point Trader appears in Oran Area 2
Shin Bokura no Taiyou: Gyakushuu no Sabata (Japan Only W-Slot) Inserting prompts use of Sol Cross Rockman before starting any game in EXE5 DS. (Japanese EXE5DS Only)
Samurai Statue in the Castle changes to Otenko and asking to do the 100 Dummy Hitting game becomes a 1000 Bat Hitting game for Crossover Points divided by 10
Otenko Crossover Battle Point Trader appears in Oran Area 2
Forte Cross Rockman (Power Form)
(Blues Side's Abilites Only)
MegaFolder -2
ChargeShot = ShootingBuster
Forte Cross Rockman (Speed Form)
(Colonel Side's Abilites Only)
MegaFolder -2
ChargeShot = Hell'sRolling
Sol Cross Rockman
(Both Side's Abilites)
MegaFolder -2
SelfRecovery (When Plugged in an Outside Terminal for the Sun)
+20 Attack for Any Chip [Otenko-Sama Chip Effect] (When Plugged in an Outside Terminal for the Sun)
ChargeShot = GunDelSol1
Twice as much damage occurs for GunDelSol ChargeShot, GunDelSol1, GunDelSol2, GunDelSol3, & GunDelSol EX (When Plugged in an Outside Terminal for the Sun)
Source Information was taken from my Rockman EXE5 Official Kanzen Guide and testing some of the effects. Any information from mine has been plagirised or hasn't been credited, which is why they're probably on some other places.
FCR for Blues Side is known to be Power Form and Colonel's Side, it's Speed Form. Noted by Capcom Japan.
The Forte Cross Rockman Modification Card that was transferred to the GBA Cart cannot grant FCR for EXE5DS.
SCR is the same for both Blues & Colonel Sides. No different abilities like Forte Cross Rockman's.
Final Kokoro Network Area, (Where you fight Nebula Gray) has the Sun ability. Must be because of the Lava in Mt. Fuji.
Rockman EXE Battle Chip GP (Battle Chip Challenge) does not work for the W Slot feature for any regions.
Slot-2 Games must also be for the desired region for Slot-1 (Japan and Japan, or English and English. Not English and Japan, or Japan and English).
Special Notes: